Q: Students who choose this study abroad experience tend to be…
Montaño: History and literature majors, but there’s also a
steady contingent of STEM majors who need to fulfill requirements. And,
of course, several students with Irish ancestry.
Q: What’s your advice to anyone traveling to this country for the first time?
Montaño: Be ready and open to conversations — the Irish are as garrulous, charming, generous and funny as advertised.
Q: Any fun facts about Ireland that you love sharing at parties?
Montaño: People are always surprised to learn that Ireland is
the only country in the world with a smaller population now than in 1845
(think famine).
Q: What’s your most memorable study abroad story?
Montaño: When visiting the oldest continually inhabited castle
in Ireland, the Talbot's at Malahide, our group came to the final stop,
the dining room. It was where many ghosts are said to reside.
Mid-story, one of our group members dropped to the floor unconscious.
She was revived and swore ever after she had seen a ghost.
The deadline for many Winter 2024 study abroad applications is
Thursday, April 20, 2023. For more information or a full list of
upcoming study abroad programs, visit Study Abroad Programs.